
How does online coaching work?

Training - I will provide you with a personal programme that suits you, your schedule, your goals, your equipment, your body, your lifestyle so that you’re consistent with your training which is the key to getting results.

You can access your workouts via my app so that you can do them whenever suits you and when you have free time which makes it easier to be consistent.

My client Qays had gone a bit off track and put on some weight since starting Uni. I helped him get back on track with a simple 30min workout we did 3 times a week. And we implemented some simple diet changes like reducing liquid calories and got hi…

My client Qays had gone a bit off track and put on some weight since starting Uni. I helped him get back on track with a simple 30min workout we did 3 times a week. And we implemented some simple diet changes like reducing liquid calories and got him to be more active.

HE HAS LOST 20kg (44lbs)

8 months later at 80kg and enjoying uni life. Most before and afters don’t show months later how they’re getting on. sadly more than 85% of people put the weight back on but my client has maintained his weight loss and actually got slimmer and is en…

8 months later at 80kg and enjoying uni life. Most before and afters don’t show months later how they’re getting on. sadly more than 85% of people put the weight back on but my client has maintained his weight loss and actually got slimmer and is enjoying a balanced better life!

Nutrition- I will provide you with a personalised nutrition plan that includes foods you enjoy, that suits your lifestyle and budget so that you can adhere to your diet which is the most important thing for a successful diet.

Accountability & support - I will be with you throughout your journey, check in with you weekly to keep you on track so that we can be sure you're moving towards your goal. You can email me anytime and you'll have access to a private Facebook group where your q's will get answered with 24hrs.  


Here’s a 6 week transformation for my online client danny. He’s a busy working father and he like a lot of parents had hit his 30s, stopped exercising and eating well. so we introduced a simple full body workout he could do and he did some intermittent fasting as that suited him and he lost a few inches off his waist and he’s feeling so much better.

Jai. 5weeks.JPG

Here’s another one of my online clients Jas. This is after less than 5 weeks of coaching. He’s a busy working father and doesn’t like exercise. So I made him some simple, quick and effective home workouts he could do anytime, he started tracking his steps and I gave him some simple nutrition advice and he’s drastically changed his health by losing a few inches off his waist. He’s got way more energy and is feeling like a new man.